As a company of whole of market insurance advisors, we promise to find exactly the right insurance for you.
You probably insure your home and contents, your car – you might even have life insurance. But have you thought about insuring your income?
Life is unpredictable and no one wants to think that something bad will ever happen to them. But each year one million people suddenly find themselves unable to work due to serious illness or injury.
If this happened to you, how would you pay the bills?
You might have some savings to fall back on, but you’d be surprised at how quickly these can be used up on day-to-day costs. And while you may be able to get sick pay from your employer or from the state, you could find that this is only paid for a short time, or at a much lower rate than you’re used to.
For 2015/16, statutory sick pay is only £88.45 per week – but you could be entitled to more depending on your sick pay arrangement at work. It’s paid by your employer for up to 28 weeks.
How we can help
If you become ill, worrying about how to pay the mortgage or other household bills will be the last thing you need. We can offer Income Protection to help top up your safety net to a level that’ll meet your needs. This type of insurance pays out a tax-free monthly income if you get an illness or injury that stops you from working and meets our definition of incapacity*.
We’ve made sure our Income Protection is flexible, so it meets your needs and budget. For example, you can choose how long you want your cover to last and how long your monthly payout will be made if you make a claim. And because people are retiring later these days, we can offer cover up to age 70.
This plan doesn’t have a cash-in value at any time. We’ll give you more than just financial help An illness or injury can lead to lots of questions and uncertainty. That’s why our Income Protection comes with our Helping Hand support service at no extra cost. You and your family (spouse/partner and children) can use Helping Hand as soon as your plan starts – you don’t have to make a claim to use it.
We’ll give you access to a personal nurse adviser from RedArc, an independent care advisory service, who’ll give you help and advice for as long as you need it. And they can arrange additional services to help with your recovery – such as counselling, physiotherapy or complimentary therapies.
We also work with HCML, one of the UK’s leading rehabilitation case management companies, to help you get back to work after an illness or injury. If you’ve been away from work for a long time recovering from an illness or accident, you might find it difficult to get back into the daily routine. So HCML will give you a case manager who’ll work with you to tailor a rehabilitation plan that suits your needs and helps you get back into the swing of things.
We’ll also give you access to medical, career and legal helplines so you can get independent advice whenever you’re going through a difficult time.
We’re proud to support the 7 Families campaign to raise awareness of the financial impact of long-term illness or disability. You can find out more about the campaign at
Your financial adviser will Income Protection and can help you to decide if it’s right for you.